Jumat, Juli 23, 2004

I LoVe U

Though the miles, they separate and the days, they be long.
Mentally, we are one: a whole: true: Physically, we are two: apart: lonesome
There is never another, there will never be another.
You are my one, my two, and so forth...I love you. the stars paint your radiance,
the moon shines the reflection of your beauty

Will I ever hold you, who knows? Who cares.. I do
Your name speaks so loud enchanting,
caressing you gave me this think of me when you wake, when you sleep.
I will be there always and forever....... I do. Because the Lord said love and I do.


Anonim mengatakan...

And I miss you, everythin bout you..

Tuteh mengatakan...

Waw .. love euy :p asek ^^~

Anonim mengatakan...

i lop yu tu hiihihihi :p

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